In Russia, the SHAMIR Center in Eastern Moscow provides the only educational venue for a community of 20,000 Jews. In addition to classes for adults and seniors, there is a special focus on youth with a Sunday School, Kindergarten, holiday programs, and now a planned Jewish Day School.

In Latvia, SHAMIR provides educational opportunities in Riga through clubs for youth, women, seniors and academics. Special cross-cultural programs for non-Jews include training for tour guides and having Latvian children relate to Jewish life by painting pictures of the synogogue.

SHAMIR has founded the Jewish Studies Department at the Latvian State University in Riga, and sponsors a popular biennial international conference entitled “Jews in a Changing World”.

Today in Israel, SHAMIR activists boost Jewish identity with lectures, classes and concerts on Jewish themes throughout Israel. Articles of Jewish interest are published weekly in the Israeli Russian-language press, and radio and TV shows present SHAMIR’s Jewish content programming on the immigrant channels. SHAMIR publishes its own monthly newsletter, Shofar, that informs and inspires readers in nearly 100 communities in Israel and abroad.

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